The manuscript of the article is submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal in Russian and English as a single file only in MS Word editor formats (*.doc, *.docх) in black and white. The total volume of the manuscript should not exceed, as a rule, 20 pages in A4 format, taking into account formulas, tables, graphic materials and references. An increase in the length of the manuscript is agreed with the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief of the journal.
Text. Page parameters: Top – 3.5 cm; Bottom – 3.5 cm; Left (Left) – 2.5 cm; Right (Right) – 2.5 cm. Times New Roman or Times New Roman Cyr font. Main font size 11 pt, line spacing 1.5, text justified. The left indentation of the first line of each paragraph (“red line”) of 0.5 cm is set automatically, and not using the Spacebar. Manual hyphenation, double and multiple spaces, and compaction of intervals are not allowed. Necessary semantic highlights in the text are made in bold and italic fonts.
A manuscript that does not meet the established design rules will not be considered by the journal. A sample of the manuscript for an article is provided in the file at the end of the page.
Article title. Up to 10-12 words. Bold font, size 12 pt, text aligned to the left. The title of the article should be short, informative, and reflect the essence of the work as accurately as possible. After the title, a footnote in the form of an asterisk may be placed, the text of which is located at the bottom of the first page. The footnote indicates information about the sources of funding for the work, if any (name of organization, name of program, numbers of grants, projects, etc.).
Author(s). Align text to the left. The initials and surname(s) of the Author(s) are indicated. If all Authors work in the same organization, the common name of the organization, city, and country is given below the last names. If the Authors work in several organizations, after the surname of each Author there is one or more superscripts in Arabic numerals indicating the Author's affiliation with the organizations (affiliation). Each index number corresponds to one of the organizations. Below the names for each index is the generally accepted name of the organization, city, and country.
Abstract. One paragraph, 100-120 words. Single spacing, justified text. The section title appears in bold. The abstract should give a generalized and concise idea of the features of the work and the results obtained. It is recommended that the abstract briefly summarize the content of the main part of the article. It is not allowed to include abbreviations, abbreviations, formulas, tables, pictures, diagrams in the annotation.
Keywords. Up to 8-10 words and/or phrases. Single spacing, justified text. The section title appears in bold. Keywords should sufficiently fully reflect the topic of the article, object, methods and results of research. It is recommended to use terminology accepted in the world scientific and technical literature as keywords.
Introduction. One and a half spacing, justified text. The section title is in bold and not numbered. The introduction should reveal the relevance of the scientific problem under consideration, give an idea of the current state of research and the most significant results in the relevant field of science, justify the proposed approach to solving the problem, briefly describe the structure of the article without repeating the text of the abstract.
Main part. One and a half spacing, justified text. Section titles are highlighted in bold. Sections are numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. It is recommended to use single-level numbering of sections and avoid introducing new numbering levels without sufficient reason. The main part should contain a statement of the problem, a description of the research methods developed and/or used, a presentation of the results obtained, a discussion of the advantages and limitations of the results, examples of their practical application, etc.
Conclusion. One and a half spacing, justified text. The section title is in bold and not numbered. The conclusion should briefly summarize the results of the work, contain the main conclusions, outline ways to use the results and possible directions for further research. The last paragraph can be used to express gratitude to individuals and organizations for their assistance.
References. Up to 50 sources, no more than 1/3 self-citations. Single spacing, size 10 pt, text justified, no paragraph indentation. The title of the section is highlighted in bold, the sources are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. The bibliography should contain only those sources that are mentioned in the article. Sources are located in the bibliography in the order of appearance in the text, or in alphabetical order by the names of the authors or the names of the sources (first Russian-language publications, and then foreign-language publications). It is recommended to format publications in the Russian-language bibliography according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 or according to the sample given in the “Format sample” file.
About the author(s). Single spacing, size 10 pt, text justified, no paragraph indentation. For each Author, indicate: Last Name First Name Middle Name (in full; in bold). Academic degree, academic title, honorary title (if available). Position, main place of work (common name of the organization). Position, Place of part-time work (common name of the organization; several positions and places of work can be specified). Areas of research: (several words and/or phrases). E-mail: ...@... After information about the author responsible for correspondence, it is indicated in brackets (responsible for correspondence).
Text in English. Located after the text in Russian. The translation of the established sections of the article into English must exactly correspond to the Russian text. The official English name of the organization should be indicated, not its translation. The most complete list of names of organizations can be found on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU. The Literature and References sections must be completely identical, including the number and numbering of sources. If there is a publication in the Latin alphabet in the Russian-language bibliography, then it is completely repeated in the References list. If the Russian-language list of references contains a translated foreign-language publication, then the original source in the original language should be indicated in the References list. It is recommended to format publications in the English-language References list according to the model given in the “Sample Design” file.
Abbreviations. The article should use generally accepted abbreviations (according to GOST 7.12-93) and avoid introducing new abbreviations without sufficient grounds. Abbreviations that are not generally accepted are deciphered when they first appear and remain unchanged throughout the text.
References to bibliographic sources in the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets, the numbers are separated by a comma: [1-3, 7, 12, 13]. The quoted text is enclosed in quotation marks, and the source number and page numbers are indicated in square brackets: [10, pp. 55-56]. The text of the article must contain links to all publications given in the list of references.
Formulas and mathematical expressions that are directly included in the text and do not require complex special characters are recommended to be typed using the MS Word editor. Formulas and mathematical expressions, highlighted in a separate line, are numbered sequentially on the right with Arabic numerals in parentheses, aligned to the right, and typed using MS Word, Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType editors. You should adhere to a single style of set of formulas in the article. It is not allowed to represent mathematical expressions in the form of images. In the text of the article, a reference to each numbered formula is required.
Tables. Single spacing, 10 pt, center table alignment, portrait orientation. Tables are placed directly in the text, formatted as text, and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. The title is located above the table. The table dimensions are no more than 16.0 cm in width and 20.0 cm in height. In the text of the article, a link to each numbered table is required.
Graphic material (drawing, diagram, photograph). Aligns the image to the center. The image must be clear and suitable for reproduction using standard office tools. The picture should be grouped, not wrapped around text, and not fall apart when moved and formatted. It is recommended to submit graphic material using the MS Word editor or as a graphic file (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.gif; *.tiff; *.bmp). The figures are placed directly in the text and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. The title is located below the picture. The image dimensions are no more than 16.0 cm in width and 20.0 cm in height. In the text of the article, a link to each numbered figure is required.
The editors have the right to additionally request from the Author(s) the formulas, tables, graphic materials, and reference lists included in the article in the form of separate files.
Sample of manuscript design - File in DOC format